Tokinoka Blended Japanese Whisky 40% 500ml
This blend embodies the knowledge and taste of the Japanese. Soft and balanced with flavours of cereals, vanilla and fruit, make this whisky appealing to a large audience.
Tasting Notes:Nose: Cereals, honey and fruitPalate: Soft, cereals and vanillaFinish: Long, malty and creamy
 For more Japanese Whisky, Click HERE
Tokinoka Black Blended Japanese Whisky 50% 500ml
Tokinoka Black is a blended whisky created by Akito Ueda, Master Blender of White Oak distillery, who gives us a new version of Tokinoka the blend emblem of the brand. It’s a rather more fruity nose with aromas of tropical fruits and notes of toasted oak, precedes an appealing mouth experience with the appearance of woody aromas and some notes of citrus.
Made from 50% malt whisky and 50% grain whisky aged in 3 different types of casks (Bourbon, Xeres and new oak), this version richer in malt presents a very nice roundness in the mouth and combines at the same time a spicy and creamy sharp side, with a soft and vanilla finish characteristic of Tokinoka.