St. Laurent Gin 43% 700ml | Gin | Shop online at Spirits of France
St. Laurent Gin 43% 700ml
The Gin St. Laurent is a breath of sea air laden with salt, powerful herbaceous and floral notes interspersed with a pine-wood aroma reminiscent of Quebec's boreal forest. A complex gin resulting from an improbable union of aromatics from the four corners of the globe and algae of the St. Lawrence. A first herbaceous and floral approach gives way to notes of pinewood followed by pastry flavours, citrus scents and a peppery hint. The laminar alga, also called Neptune's harness, gives the Gin St. Laurent its characteristic greenish colour and a soft mineral and slightly iodised finish. Awards: "Canadian Gin Distillery of the Year" at New York International Spirits Competition 2016
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St. Laurent Vieux Gin (Seaweed Laminaria) 47% 700ml | Gin | Shop online at Spirits of France
St. Laurent Vieux Gin (Seaweed Laminaria) 47% 700ml
Every month, a tiny portion of St. Laurent Gin production goes to old barrels of whiskey. Thus, after a rest of more than one year in oak barrels, our famous Gin infused with seaweed becomes the St. Laurent Vieux Gin. A soft and aromatic approach: the juniper expresses itself without astringency, gently, then gives way to long notes of grass, pepper and candied citrus. A long woody finish, slightly saline, signature of the seaweed infusion. Awards: Silver medal at International Spirits Challenge 2018

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