Prohibition Gin Martini 37% 500ml | Gin | Shop online at Spirits of France
Prohibition Gin Martini 37% 500ml
Prohibition Gin was designed to be the perfect martini gin, so we made the perfect Dry Gin Martini. Combining our Original Gin with a splash of Regal Rogue Lively White Vermouth – there is botanic interplay of all manner of citrus and flora. Blood oranges with lemon myrtle, elderflower, lavender, finger lime and grapefruit within this marriage of liquor make for an elevated drinking experience.
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Prohibition Gin & Tonic 4 Pack 5.5% 250ml | Gin | Shop online at Spirits of France
Prohibition Gin & Tonic 4 Pack 5.5% 250ml
Prohibition Premixed Gin & Tonic in a can is the ultimate quality G&T with the ultimate in convenience. The recipe is the perfect combination of our award-winning Original Gin with a premium dry tonic and a subtle twist of orange ‘garnish’ in a ready-to-drink format. Never before has such quality been so convenient, leaving you to simply kick back and enjoy. Available in 4 packs or as a carton of 24 cans, these black tins are the ultimate accompaniment to any party or event… or just the finest convenience at home.

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