Prohibition Mother's Day Gin 42% 500ml
Prohibition’s 2024 Mum’s Gin presents a bouquet of fresh berries and blossoms right off the bat. On the tongue, it weaves together the distinct tastes of pomegranate, scented rose, and rich vanilla. The blend is perfected with the crispness of piney juniper, the aroma of hibiscus and lavender, all rounded off with the zest of sunrise lime and Riverland lemon, creating a truly special concoction. This gin is both bold and sophisticated, effortlessly marrying delicate tastes in a distinctly lively manner.
Perfectly served chilled on its own, as a lush gin and tonic (or gin and soda), or in a Collins garnished with wild berries and a sprig of basil. Treat her to something extraordinary!
Prohibition Blood Orange Cello Liquor 22% 500ml
Zesty, lively and refreshing – our 2021 Vintage Blood Orange Cello is a vibrant liqueur that’s bound to become a close companion. This Sicilian summer favourite is enhanced with native blood lime and strawberry gum – pairing with and enhancing the already incredible produce in this liqueur. Our Blood Orange Cello’s hero citrus was sourced from the same single orchard South-Australian Riverland harvest as the fruit for our award-winning Blood Orange gin. Get “spritzy” with us.
Prohibition Christmas Gin 2023 38% 500ml
Our 2023 Christmas Gin is a delightfully bright & decadent expression of our most festive spirit. Lashings of figs from the Adelaide Hills are elevated with cherries & late harvest Chardonnay grapes.
All manners of Christmas spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves work in harmony with Riverland citrus in this true spirit of Christmas. As always, it is perfect served in a Yuletide-styled French 75, drizzled on Christmas pudding, or enjoyed with ice cream for a festive, epicurean dessert.
Prohibition Limited Release Blood Orange gin 44% 500ml
We are incredibly excited to share our 2021 vintage of this new annual release. The short season of blood oranges herald winter turning to spring. To celebrate, our blood oranges were sourced from a single orchard near Loxton, then peeled and distilled with the finest botanicals within days of picking.
Cool nights and sweltering days, typical of the region, produce the perfect growing conditions.
Juicy, loud, and playful – they are paired with Riverland lemons and mandarins for citrus contrast and depth. Strawberry gum, chamomile and cinnamon myrtle enhance the floral characteristics.
Prohibition Moonlight Gin 42% 500ml
A nocturnal dance between the dark arts of flavour and the light of cutting-edge scientific production.
Equal parts dark and light, reflecting the colour changes of the moon. It’s a pink gin for those unafraid to embrace their dark side.
Prohibition Liquor Co.’s Moonlight Gin is an homage to all things flourishing under the cover of darkness. A dance of flavour, florals and aromas, watch the colour-shift explode with luminescence when mixed.
This bootlegger’s bouquet combines cold distilled pink lady apple with native blood limes and rare red juniper. Black goji, clove and hibiscus tease the mid palate, sandalwood nut provides mouthfeel while honeybush gives length. Our most baroque creation yet.
Prohibition Gin 'Bathtub Cut' 69% 100ml
Prohibition Gin is the culmination of a vision to recreate the genuine spirit of clandestine heritage, with contemporary craftsmanship and top notch botanical ingredients.
A bold nose of vanilla, juniper-spice, fortified and defined by wormwood-driven herbaceous tones and surrounded with a floral veil. The up front palate is commanded by a confectionery juniper-come-aniseed flavour that stretches full, leaving a warm finish decorated with cinnamon and almond nuttiness. A rich experience, as gentle as a 69% spirit could possibly be. The ultimate cocktail gin, with rich flavour and punch.
Explore some of Prohibitions many winning awards HERE For more Prohibition Gin, Click HERE
Prohibition Bathtub Cut Negroni 37% 500ml
Prohibition Gin is now selling a Negroni
This rich, earthy Australian take on the Italian classic is a joy to behold. With less bitterness than a traditional Negroni, this blend has exceptional softness and depth of flavour. Despite sitting on a higher ABV for a Negroni, it is easy drinking, soft, well rounded and richly botanical driven, with 60 individual botanicals between its three spirit ingredients. Simply served on ice, with a twist of orange peel, it will convert anyone into an Australian Negroni lover!
Recipient of many AWARDS Explore more of the Prohibition Range HERE
Prohibition Shiraz Barrel-Aged Gin 59% 500ml
Move over shiraz gins and barrel aged gins, here is the new standard: Prohibition shiraz barrel aged gin! We have aged a 59% expression of our original gin in custom coopered barrels which formerly held American bourbon, then most recently Barossa Valley shiraz – recharred and now giving new life to our shiraz barrel aged gin. This overproof blush coloured spirit is soft and silky with a gentle shiraz note and rich oaked rye back-note. It’s punchy, yet still maintains the vanilla and floral notes which define Prohibition gins – perfect on ice, with soda or in your favourite cocktail!
Prohibition Gin 42% 700ml
Prohibition Gin is the culmination of a vision to recreate the genuine spirit of clandestine heritage, with contemporary craftsmanship and top notch botanical ingredients. Our unique flavour story starts with wormwood, a banned substance in prohibition era, better known for creating absinthe. This with a tinge of blood… Blood orange and ruby red grapefruit delivers a fresh citrus edge, taking juniper, coriander and ginger root on a journey away from the standard. We bring in an Australian native lemon myrtle and subtle notes of green tea, vanilla and lavender to soften the finish and draw out flavour depth on the palate. The result is a sophisticated, deep flavour with a fresh citrus note and warm peppery finish.
This beautiful gin has been the recipient of many awards in recent times. Explore some of those awards here. Explore more of the Prohibition Range HERE
Prohibition Gin Mini 42% 100ml
Prohibition Gin is the culmination of a vision to recreate the genuine spirit of clandestine heritage, with contemporary craftsmanship and top notch botanical ingredients. Our unique flavour story starts with wormwood, a banned substance in prohibition era, better known for creating absinthe. This with a tinge of blood… Blood orange and ruby red grapefruit delivers a fresh citrus edge, taking juniper, coriander and ginger root on a journey away from the standard. We bring in an Australian native lemon myrtle and subtle notes of green tea, vanilla and lavender to soften the finish and draw out flavour depth on the palate. The result is a sophisticated, deep flavour with a fresh citrus note and warm peppery finish.
Prohibition Juniperus Gin 47% 500ml
Juniperus is our most classical expression and a tribute to a London Dry Gin.
Our hero botanical Juniper is distilled whole, crushed, macerated, and vapour infused to attain the highest level of complexity and depth. Grains of Paradise and cassia bark add warmth and structure. Riverland citrus provides lift, softened by vanilla and macadamia, integrating the palate. Here’s to a new modern classic.
Prohibition Navy Strength Gin 58% 500ml
This gin compliments the rough seas, celebrating our juniper-based spirit’s naval heritage. A nose of salty ocean breeze gives way to notes of native lime interplayed by seagrass.
A combination of juniper distilled through maceration and vapour infusion creates a melody of depth and mouthfeel. Sweetness and elevated texture are provided by macadamia and vanilla. The lifted finish is stormed by ginger, grapefruit peel and salt as the drink takes sail, three sheets to the wind.
Prohibition Bathtub Cut Negroni SMALL CARAFE 37% 100ml
Prohibition Gin is now selling a Negroni
This rich, earthy Australian take on the Italian classic is a joy to behold. With less bitterness than a traditional Negroni, this blend has exceptional softness and depth of flavour. Despite sitting on a higher ABV for a Negroni, it is easy drinking, soft, well rounded and richly botanical driven, with 60 individual botanicals between its three spirit ingredients. Simply served on ice, with a twist of orange peel, it will convert anyone into an Australian Negroni lover!
Recipient of many AWARDS For more Prohibition Gin, Click HERE
Prohibition Gin 'Bathtub Cut' 69% 500ml
Prohibition Gin is the culmination of a vision to recreate the genuine spirit of clandestine heritage, with contemporary craftsmanship and top notch botanical ingredients.
A bold nose of vanilla, juniper-spice, fortified and defined by wormwood-driven herbaceous tones and surrounded with a floral veil. The up front palate is commanded by a confectionery juniper-come-aniseed flavour that stretches full, leaving a warm finish decorated with cinnamon and almond nuttiness. A rich experience, as gentle as a 69% spirit could possibly be. The ultimate cocktail gin, with rich flavour and punch.
Prohibition Shiraz Barrel-Aged Gin 59% 100ml
Move over shiraz gins and barrel aged gins, here is the new standard: Prohibition shiraz barrel aged gin! We have aged a 59% expression of our original gin in custom coopered barrels which formerly held American bourbon, then most recently Barossa Valley shiraz – recharred and now giving new life to our shiraz barrel aged gin. This overproof blush coloured spirit is soft and silky with a gentle shiraz note and rich oaked rye back-note. It’s punchy, yet still maintains the vanilla and floral notes which define Prohibition gins – perfect on ice, with soda or in your favourite cocktail!
Explore some of Prohibitions many winning awards HERE For more Prohibition Gin, Click HERE
Prohibition Navy Strength Gin 58% 100ml
This gin compliments the rough seas, celebrating our juniper-based spirit’s naval heritage. A nose of salty ocean breeze gives way to notes of native lime interplayed by seagrass.
A combination of juniper distilled through maceration and vapour infusion creates a melody of depth and mouthfeel. Sweetness and elevated texture are provided by macadamia and vanilla. The lifted finish is stormed by ginger, grapefruit peel and salt as the drink takes sail, three sheets to the wind.