Prohibition Christmas Gin 2023 38% 500ml
Our 2023 Christmas Gin is a delightfully bright & decadent expression of our most festive spirit. Lashings of figs from the Adelaide Hills are elevated with cherries & late harvest Chardonnay grapes.
All manners of Christmas spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves work in harmony with Riverland citrus in this true spirit of Christmas. As always, it is perfect served in a Yuletide-styled French 75, drizzled on Christmas pudding, or enjoyed with ice cream for a festive, epicurean dessert.
Tiny Bear Australian Summer Gin 44% 700ml
Enjoy a floral and wattle punch in our most unique creation yet. Taste the subtle citrus from native lemon myrtle with a full-body nutty macadamia finish. Drink with your favourite sweet tonic to bring out the Aussie botanicals and garnish with a sprig of fresh lavender from your garden (or your neighbour’s).
Tiny Bear Gingerbear Gin 42% 700ml
A gingerbread person for the adults, this sweet and spicy gin’s immediate ginger hit is complimented by warming cinnamon, clove and nutmeg. Forget subtle and enjoy this gin with your favourite spicy ginger beer to really let that gingerbread bear shine.
Limited-Edition Gin Christmas Advent Calendar 2023
2023 Limited-Edition Gin Christmas Advent Calendar
"Embark on a GINspirational Voyage!"
Elevate your festive anticipation with Spirits of France's elite Gin Christmas Advent Calendar. Whether you're a gin enthusiast or simply gin-curious, this calendar promises a daily revelation of unparalleled gin delight. Traverse the globe from the comfort of your home, sipping on 12 carefully curated gins that encompass both revered classics and contemporary masterpieces.
For a deeper dive into the world of gin, each calendar is accompanied by an enlightening booklet. Moreover, an included QR code unlocks tales of gin's evolution, intimate details about the distilleries, and expert tasting notes for an enriched experience.
Celebrate the magic of Christmas 2023 with a cascade of botanical wonders and gin revelations. Cheers to a GINcredible festive season!
Stock Insight: The 2023 Gin Advent Calendar is an exclusive offering. Ensure you don't miss out, as quantities are limited.
Shipping Information: Advents are planned for dispatch in early to mid-November. All accompanying items in your order will be shipped alongside the advent calendar. For earlier arrivals of other items, please place them in a distinct order.
Advent design may differ slightly from the images provided.
Spoiler Alert - Click here to see what will feature in this year's Gin Advent
Tiny Bear Christmas Pudding Gin 41.5% 700ml
Christmas Pudding just like Grandma used to make (and just as boozey). We’ve swapped out the usual gin botanicals for currants, cranberries, apricots and orange to make this fruity number. Finished off with a subtle drop of spice and decadent almond, this gin will make a heavenly summer gin and tonic garnished with a generous chunk of orange.