Christian Drouin Gin 'Le Gin Blanc' 42% 700ml
Guillaume Drouin has created this hand-crafted Gin using the art of blending developed for classic spirits. It is produced by distillation of ciders in three small Normandy copper pot stills, and by the distillation of Juniper and seven other aromatic plants typical of the world of Calvados. Each one is distilled separately before being blended in unique proportions for a batch of 2,850 bottles.
This gin is in fact a cider apple eau-de-vie from Normandy in which juniper berries, ginger, vanilla, lemon, cardamom, cinnamon, rose petals and almonds have been macerated. Remarkably well-balanced, it simultaneously reveals finesse and incredible aromatic precision. Proud of its Normandy roots, the nose opens with wafts of apple. Little by little, it becomes liquorice-inspired, herbaceous (juniper) and peppery. Full of energy, the opening on the palate is floral (apple blossom) and fruity (raspberry, blackcurrants). The back of the palate offers freshly cut quarters of apple and a voluptuous nose (apple tart, quince jelly).
For more Christian Drouin, CLICK HERE
Christian Drouin Le Gin Carmina 42% 700ml
Calvados Christian Drouin keeps exploring new flavour associations.
After launching Le Gin de Christian Drouin in 2015, the only Gin elaborated using over 30 varieties of cider apples and 7 aromatic spices, carefully selected for their perfect match with apple and juniper aromas, Guillaume Drouin signs a new blend devoted to red berries.
The same principles have presided the making of Carmina as they did for the original version of Le Gin: each aromatic ingredient is macerated and then separately distilled to optimize the extraction of aromas. The distillates are then assembled before bottling.
Carmina has a summer-like bouquet. It mixes fruit and flowers, using not only juniper and Normandy cider apple varieties but also raspberries, blackcurrants, elder flowers, vanilla, lemon and orange.
The packaging of Carmina respects the identity of Le Gin de Christian Drouin; however, the colour code is carmine as a reminder of the domineering aromas of this new gourmet gin with its hints of raspberries and blackcurrants.
Limited edition: only 8550 bottles will be marketed.
Tasting advice: to be sipped neat or as a Gin Tonic, with a slice of lemon and a raspberry to decorate.
For more from Christian Drouin, CLICK HERE
Christian Drouin Gin 'Le Gin' Calvados cask finish 42% 700ml
Based on its experience for aging Eau de Vie, the Drouin family has decided to age a limited volume of its Gin. A few former calvados casks of 225 liters have been selected to age a base of Le Gin de Christian Drouin. After 6 months in the casks, "Le Gin de Christian Drouin calvados cask finish" is rounder, more complex, with even more obvious apple flavors.
Christian Drouin Gin is prepared as superb blended spirit. The perfect proportions of each ingredient, its balance, its elegance and its complexity allow it to be drunk straight or with ice. This is without doubt the best way to appreciate the subtlety and delicacy of its flavors.
Serving suggestion:Â straight or with ice.
For more Christian Drouin, CLICK HERE
Christian Drouin Pira Gin 42% 700ml
This new gin has a new star ingredient: pear.Â
We have blended a variety of pear traditionally used to make pear cider in Normandy, known as Domfront, with juniper, vanilla, lemon, black pepper and iris root. A typical Norman cottage will have irises growing along the ridge of the thatched roof.Â
Pira is crafted according to our original gin recipe, in which each ingredient is macerated and distilled separately in order to extract the full aroma. The distillates are then assembled just before bottling.Â
Pira packaging replicates the visual identity of Christian Drouin Gin, but in a luscious raw green hue that brings pears to mind. It tastes of mouth-watering white fruit, black pepper and iris, as ever with the full-bodied flavour that has forged the reputation of gins by Drouin.Â
Serving suggestion: Serve neat or with tonic water, with a sliver of pear or an elderflower to garnish.